If you want to make space for your plots you can upload plots from your farmer or any other location directly to your Chia Cloud Harvester. 

For this tutorial we will be using Cyberduck but most applications that support S3 should work.

  1. Navigate to your Harvester on plottair.com and look for the "Keys" details, you will need these shortly.
  2. Open Cyberduck and click the "Open Connection" button.
  3. Select "Amazon S3" from the dropdown.
  4. Look for the "Server" details on your Cloud Harvester page on Plottair and fill this value in the "Server" textbox in Cyberduck.
  5. Look for the "ID" details on your Cloud Harvester page on Plottair and fill in this value in the "Access Key ID" text field.
  6. Look for the "Secret" details on your Cloud harvester page on Plottair and fill in this value in the "Secret Access Key" field.
  7. Next click "More options" in Cyberduck and look for the "Path" details on your Cloud harvester page on Plottair and fill in this value in the "Path" field.
  8. Press Connect.
  9. Navigate to the "plots" folder and upload any plots you want to Harvest on your Cloud harvester. This is very important, if you don't upload them to the plots folder they won't be harvested.

As soon as a plot is uploaded it should appear in your harvester logs within 15 minutes.