This document will help you connect our Cloud Harvester to a farmer already under your control. 

Adding a harvester

Before you get started you need a couple of things.

  1. The IP of system running your Chia farmer. If you run your farmer at home this is your home IP that can be retrieved via services such as WhatsMyIP. If you run it on a server it's that servers IP.
  2. The port running your Chia Farmer, by default this is 8447 so this will only be different if you manually changed it.
  3. Ensure your Chia Farmer port is open on your router, you can check that on this website. Just fill in 8447 and make sure it says the port is open. If it's not open you can follow the port following guide here to open the port to the correct IP.

First go the Harvesters page on the website and select "New Harvester". The name field can be anything you want, it's just a reference so you know which harvester this is. Next fill in the IP of your farmer. 

The other fields will depend slightly on your operating system. You can either open them manually or use the file upload button to upload the correct file so we can read it out for you.

On Windows

  1. Open the Windows Explorer.
  2. Type the following in the navigation bar:
  3. You will see four files in this folder. Click right mouse on the files and select "open with" and "notepad". Copy the contents of the files to the text inputs with the same name.

On MacOS

  1. Open the Finder
  2. Press CMD+SHIFT+g you should see a "Go to folder" dialogue.
  3. Type: "~/.chia/mainnet/config/ssl/ca"
  4. You will see four files in this folder. Click right mouse on the files and select "Open With" and "Other" and select "TextEdit" from the list. Copy the contents of the files to the text inputs with the same name.

Now press the "Create cloud harvester" button. If everything went alright it will start deploying your harvester. New orders you buy through the website can be sent directly to your Cloud Harvester.